Spring Cleaning Day 6-Nursery

full length of boy sitting on floor
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Creating a Toxin-Free environment for Baby

They are our treasure, our future, the loves of our lives. So why would we want to introduce any toxic substance to their atmosphere? No worries, we can provide a clean toxin-free space for our littlest blessings.

person playing mini fig
Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

Toxin-free toys cleaner

2 drops lemon essential oil check out my favorite essential oils here!

4 oz of white vinegar

Add vinegar and essential oil to a 6 oz glass spray bottle then fill the rest of the way with distilled water. Spray toys and wipe to dry. (Do not allow baby to touch toys while wet with cleaner)

Drawer Freshner

1 drop lavender essential oil

1 cotton ball

place a drop of essential oil on cotton ball and place in drawer to freshen baby clothes.

Stain Remover Spray

8 oz water

2 TBSP baking soda

20 drops Lemon essential oil

Add baking soda and essential oil to a glass spray bottle, add water and shake well. Spray directly on stain and wash.

baby face wile sleeping
Photo by Burst on Pexels.com

Always use extra caution when using essential oils around baby. Use the least amount of drops. Never put essential oils on your baby full strength, they MUST be diluted. A good dilution rate would be 1 drop essential oil in 2 teaspoons carrier oil.


Spring Cleaning Challenge Day 3- Living Room

architectural design architecture chairs comfortable
Photo by Terje Sollie on Pexels.com

Welcome to Day 3 Living Room Edition

Hello Everyone and welcome back! I hope you are finding these diy recipes helpful! Today we are moving on to the living room. I am so happy it is finally spring! My house has been so stuffy after being closed up all winter. However, here in Maine, it is officially Mud Season! I am cleaning mud up everywhere! So today, I will share some great tips on dealing not only with dust, but, also mud.

Photo by Terje Sollie on Pexels.com

Leather Cleaner

1/4 cup olive oil

1/2 cup white vinegar

3 drops eucalyptus essential oil http://my.doterra.com/wendytaggart

8 oz glass spray bottle

Mix ingredients together in your spray bottle and shake well. Spray the leather down and wipe clean with a cotton cloth. This is safe for real leather, but should not be used on suede.

Carpet Stain Remover

4 cups warm water, divided

1/3 teaspoon castile soap or natural dish soap

10 drops lemon essential oil

Mix 2 cups warm water, soap and essential oil. Soak a rag in the mixture, wring our and gently blot the stain. Use a clean rag soaked in the remaining 2 cupps of warm water to remove the residue. Alternate the soap solution with the fresh water until stain is gone. Remember to blot, not rub, to remove a carpet stain as riubbing will ruin the carpet fibers.

Wood Polish

1 -16 oz glass spray bottle

1 mini stainless steel funnel

1 cup olive oil

1/2 cup distilled water

30 drops lemon essential oil

10 drops wild orange essential oil

Using a 16 oz spray bottle, remove the top and secure the mini funnel to its opening. Pour 1 cup of olive oil and distilled water into the spray bottle. Add lemon and wild orange essential oils. Remove funnel and reattach the lid. Shake well before each use, spray on any wooden surface and see the shine!

Resource: The Essential Life 5th Edition

ISBN 9 781532 384073

You can still sign up for the giveaway! doTERRA Intro Kit!


Spring Cleaning Challenge-sprucing up after a long winter!

adult business career clean
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

My spring cleaning challenge begins on April 1st! Have you signed up for my giveaway yet? I am giving away a doTERRA Intro Kit to one lucky winner! You can’t win if you don’t sign up!

sign up for the giveaway here!

Today I am going to share a few ideas to get yourself ready for the challenge. Sometimes I have a hard time getting started on big projects, and for me spring cleaning is always a big project! My first tip, is this. Don’t look at the big goal.

That’s right, sometimes when we see all that needs to be done, we can get discouraged, even to the point of not starting. Don’t do that! Set small goals. Take it one step, one room, one corner at a time.  I will help you do this by giving you diy cleaning recipes for one room at a time. I do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Overwhelm is a sabotager!

silhouette of person on cliff beside body of water during golden hour
Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on Pexels.com

Open your windows! Let the fresh air in and breath deeply! Do it now if you can, it will give you some energy to get going.

photo of little girl s hands covered with paint
Photo by Di Lewis on Pexels.com

If you have kids, diy’s are a great way to get them involved. Have them help you put your new toxin-free cleaners together. Maybe they will even help you use them! 😉

Here are some great diffuser blends to help get you in the right frame of mind. (You can also use cotton balls if you don’t own a diffuser) Or you can find one here: click here for diffusers

Clean House

3 drops lemongrass

2 drops lime

I love these two oils together, they just smell clean.

Energize Me

3 drops Wild Orange

2 drops Peppermint

Very invigorating!

Detox Blend

3 drops Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

3 drops Lemon

Both of these oils are air cleansers!

Would you like to recieve new diy’s, craft ideas, diffuser recipes and information each month? Sign up for my free newsletter!

Click here to sign up for my newsletter!

I am excited to share all my diy’s with you!





Spring Cleaning-a 7 day challenge for toxin free cleaning

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

After a long winter, with the house all closed up, I am so ready to throw open the windows and start spring cleaning! We still have a few weeks here in Maine before we can really do that comfortably. However, this is the perfect time to start collecting all my favorite toxin free ingredients to make my green cleaning easy! I have been trying for a while to rid my home of toxin laden cleaning supplies. Unfortunately, most of the cleaning supplies on the market are filled with toxic chemicals. Our bodies absorb these chemicals and it is making us all sick! This is why I am working to detoxify my home and my family. Today I am asking you to join me, yes, I am challenging you, to do this with me!

Here is a list of supplies you will need to join me in this toxin free cleaning adventure!

  1. Large box of baking soda
  2. Large jug of white vinegar
  3. Castile soap (fragrance free)
  4. Epsom salts (fragrance free)
  5. Citric Acid
  6. Fractionated coconut oil or olive oil
  7. Rubbing alcohol
  8. Witch Hazel
  9. ice cube tray with easy pop outs
  10. doTERRA OnGuard cleaner concentrate (link below)
  11. 5 small sponges
  12. 8 glass spray bottles
  13. 4 glass mason jars
  14. 1-30ml spray bottle (link below)
  15. Labels for all your wonderful toxin free creations

Essential oils needed

  1. Wild Orange
  2. Lime
  3. Grapefruit
  4. Lavender
  5. Peppermint
  6. Rosemary or Eucalyptus
  7. Melaleuca (Tea tree)
  8. Arborvitae
  9. Purify Blend

So here is your list of supplies. You have a couple of weeks to collect them. My Spring Cleaning Challenge begins on April 1st.

If you would like to join the challenge and be enered to win a Free DoTERRA Intro Kit, click the link below and enter your email! I also have a link below to check out my site for doTERRA products.



Toxic Household Cleaners-Are your cleaning supplies harming you?

person wearing pair of yellow rubber gloves
Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

Today I am going to share some struggles I have had with cleaning products, and share the ones that may indeed be a problem for you and your family.

Breathing Issues

I grew up in a small mill town, my parents smoked cigarettes, as did most of thier friends. At a very young age I ws diagnosed with asthma. `This diagnosis was especially difficult at that time because they did not really understand the dangers of cigarette smoke. (yes, I am that old) 😉

This was a real problem because I was allegic to many different things including, dust and cats even exrcise was difficult for me.

Now, all these years later, I find myself struggling to breathe still. So, I need to find ways to cut out things that exasperate the asthma. I remember a few years back, I was working at a small bread store. It was a slow day, so I decided I would clean off the shelves and do a real good job, getting rid of the dust. I knew that I could not dry dust, as that would really get my allergies going and possibly cause an asthma attack. So I grab the cleaning solution, started spraying away. I cleaned all the shelves in the store, and by the end, I was really gasping for breathe.  But, I had wet dusted! It had to be the cleaner I sprayed. Another time, I was working for a food prep service. At the end of the shift, we needed to clean the coolers and buckets with bleach….ugh! Again, it felt like my lungs and sinuses were burning out of my body!

Cleaning Supplies and Household Chemicals

Cleaning is essential to protecting our health in our homes, schools and workplaces. However, household and cleaning products—including soaps, polishes and grooming supplies—often include harmful chemicals. Even products advertised as “green” or “natural” may contain ingredients that can cause health problems. Some cleaning supplies can even be flammable or corrosive. Fortunately, you can limit your exposure to those risks. Read all labels and follow instructions when using cleaning products. It could save your life.

How can cleaning supplies, household products affect health?

Many cleaning supplies or household products can irritate the eyes or throat, or cause headaches and other health problems, including cancer. Some products release dangerous chemicals, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Other harmful ingredients include ammonia and bleach.

VOCs and other chemicals released when using cleaning supplies contribute to chronic respiratory problems, allergic reactions and headaches. Studies are underway to assess how these chemicals affect people who have asthma and other respiratory illnesses. However, past studies link exposure to chemicals from cleaning supplies


So this explains my extreme reactions to both the spray cleaner and the bleach. Please follow the link above to read the entire article, it is very helpful and interesting.

The thing is, we still need to clean. I obciously need to eliminate dust from my environment. Yes, I can use just water and a cloth for dust, but, what about the greasy dust in the kitchen? Water about furniture polish, floor cleaner, laundry detergent?  Many of these cleaners that are on the market are filled with VOCs. Even some of the so called “Green” products have VOCs. So how can I be 100% sure that I am not getting any VOCs? I can make my own, from ingredients I trust!

In the next couple of weeks I will be sharing some Green cleaning recipes and tips, and would like to challenge you to join me on a Toxin free, green cleaning challenge!

What would a challenge be if there wasn’t a chance to win a prize!!! Yes, that’s right, I am going to challenge you to join me, and by doing so, you will be entered to win!


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